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North of England
Ophthalmological Society

Welcome to NEOS




Autumn meeting 2024

Weds 20th November 2024

Pendulum Hotel & Conference Centre, Manchester

Digital Ophthalmology & Genetics for the Ophthalmologist. Convenor: Prof Sus Biswas, Manchester

NEOS Autumn Meeting 2024


NEOS 2025
summer meeting

Wednesday 04th June 2025

Hilton Hotel, Newcastle Gateshead, Bottle Bank, NE8 2AR

Functional Vision Loss & “Is small a big problem?”

PJ Hay Lecturer:

Prof Chris Lloyd, Great Ormond Street Hospital

Convened by Lawrence Gnanaraj, Sunderland


Prizes and Fellowships

Annual Poster Prize

The annual Poster Prizes are awarded for the best ePoster displayed at the Autumn Meeting of the Society. There are two prizes of £300 each.

Percival J. Hay Memorial Prize

The Percival J. Hay Memorial Prize is awarded for a critical essay or paper, which may or may not have been published. Submission open. Members only.

Travel Fellowship

An award of £600 to assist trainees with travelling expenses when presenting research work abroad. Rolling programme

Annual Paper Prize

The annual Oral Free Paper Prizes are awarded for the best free paper presented at the Society’s Spring Meeting. There are two prizes of £300.

Annual Video Prize - Autumn meeting

The annual Video Prize is usually awarded for the best video presented at the Autumn Meeting of the Society. There is one prize of £300.



NEOS is a regional society.
Membership is open to all ophthalmologists, including trainees and foundation drs who work in the North of England and North Wales. Membership is not open to those working outside of this geographical area. If you are not working in this region, please do not submit a membership application.
Non-members are welcome to attend meetings for the appropriate fee - currently £55 for the day or part of day.

The NEOS membership year runs 01st Oct - 30th Sept. The Membership fee is £25 per year and is paid by standing order only. All renewals are due on 01st October annually. Please complete the application form and standing order forms as directed
Annual Membership Subscription


Per Year

Non-members meeting fee


Per Day


about us

The North of England Ophthalmological Society is the largest regional society in the UK and one of the oldest ophthalmology societies in the world. It promotes postgraduate ophthalmic education in the northern counties of England and North Wales through two meetings each year.  One in the spring and one in the autumn.

We encourage research by trainee ophthalmologists by prizes and fellowships.

President – Mrs Yvonne D’Souza (Manchester)

Past President – Mr Vernon Long (Leeds)

Honorary Secretary – Mr Jon Bhargava (Chester)

Honorary Treasurer – Mrs Deepali Varma (Sunderland)

President Elect –

Council Member (SAS) – Mr Vittaldas Pai (Wakefield)

Council Member – Mr Lawrence Gnanaraj (Sunderland)

Council Member – Mr Colin Vize (Hull)

Council Member – Mr Abdallah Ellabban (Hull)

Council Member – Mr Jay Patil (Lancaster)

Council Member – Mrs Philippa Pennefather (Wirral)

Council Member – Mrs Umiya Harley (Sheffield)

Council Member – Mr Peter Glasman (Wirral)

Chair of Education Committee – Mr Stephen Winder (Sheffield)

Trainee Representatives

Matthew Hartley (northern deanery)

Aimee Lloyd (northwest deanery)

Trustee – Mr Steven Charles

Trustee – Miss Harriet Cavendish

Trustee – Mr Vernon Long

PJ Hay Trustee – Mr David Cottrell

PJ Hay Trustee – Mr Stephen Winder

PJ Hay Trustee – Mrs Umiya Harley

The Society’s minutes begin with the following paragraph:

“A desire having been expressed that an Ophthalmology Society should be formed for the North of England, steps were taken in July 1914 to ascertain the general feeling among the men engaged in ophthalmic practice in Bradford, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield and neighbouring towns and districts. The idea was so well received that the promoters felt justified in calling the following meeting whch was held on October 15th 1914 at the Royal Infirmary, Manchester….It was resolved, that those present form themselves into a society and that the society be called the “North of England Ophthalmological Society.”

The first world war (1914-18) disrupted the Society – there were only four meetings between the first meeting and October 1919, although by a card vote in 1918 it was agreed that the Society should affiliate with the Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom (OSUK). The minutes in the 1920’s contain a considerable amount of medico-political debate, particularly about the mechanism of referral of insured patients and recommended fees. In 1923 a minimum of £1.1.0 (one guinea) was recommended – for refractions. Medical politics continued to form an important part of the Society’s work during the 1940’s, with much discussion of the proposed rules and regulations for ophthalmology (particularly sight-testing) under the new National Health Service which came into being in 1948. Sixty years later it may seem to many members that we are going over the same ground in reverse.

Between 1950 and 1985 the meetings gradually changed with less emphasis on “case presentations” (which could be as high as fifty in one meeting) and an increasing place for papers and guest lectures, culminating in October 1985 with a discussion and vote on the format of meetings. Thes were reduced from five to three per year and there was to be greater emphasis on single theme meetings, with limited use of relevant case presentations where appropriate.

Percival John Hay was one of the founder members of the Society and for many years was its Secretary. No one individual has made a greater contribution to the development of the Society than Percival Hay. He inaugurated a “January Lecture” in 1930, and following his death in 1943 the Society changed the name to the “Percival J. Hay Memorial Lecture.” The Lecture is a major highlight of the year. In general, Lecturers are chosen from the UK and abroad alternately. The list of past Lecturers includes many famous names, notably Van der Hoeve (1930), Traquair (1931), Castroviejo (1950), Sorsby (1955) and Cogan (1971).

For the past few decades medical politics have no longer been a concern of the Society, which is now focussed purely on promoting best practice in ophthalmology through education and interactive debate.

In the year 2000 the Society took the final steps to convert itself into a registered charity and a new constitution was approved.

The old minute books, society records and historical papers are stored securely and managed by the archivist at Manchester University

Mr Percival J Hay was one of the founder members of the Society and the Hon. Secretary for many years.

Among many actions to promote the Society, he inaugurated the January Lecture in 1930.  Following his untimely death in 1943 the annual guest lecture was renamed in his honour.

The PJ Hay Lecture was recorded as part of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists eponymous lectures

Dr Hay was interested in stereography and part of his work is now held by the Brian May Stereoscopy Archive. For more info and to see the images, especially the ones of his consulting room and hospitals click here

Get in Touch

Please note office hours are 9 am - 5 pm, Monday to Friday. I do not work evenings or weekends, so please be patient and do not expect a reply outside of office hours. There is no need to send repeated emails. Emails will be answered in due course.

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